Fumigation Services

Pestline pest control in Kenya, Pestline experts will help you protect your stored product insects, pestline has the best fumigation services in Kenya for general pest infestation. Pestline pest control has the track record for fumigation services in Kenya far all stages of insect order. The eggs hatching into free-living, active larva which poses abdominal pro-legs are known as caterpillars. Often pupate inside silken cocoon. Adults feed harmlessly (if at all) on nectar from flowers. Their larvae do the damage to clothes, stored products etc.

Common clothes moth: Moderately common pest animal derived fabrics, furs and feather products. Also occasionally found in food storage premises. They are able to survive successfully infest some dried vegetable materials. Adults can reach up to 7mm in length. Clothes moths rarely fly to lights at night instead prefer darkness. Females do not fly and the male occasionally. Female lays approximately 100-500 eggs on surface of fabrics which will hatch into larvae in approximately 5 days. The larvae development period depends considerably the condition of the surrounding environment. These moths are often indicating of poor hygiene conditions.

Brown house moth: very common in food stores and domestic environment. Scavenger on fur, feathers in museum specimens. Often present in bird nests. Females lay up to 500 eggs singly on larval food. Hatches in 2-4 weeks, caterpillars have a brown head. Adults are 8mm long, brownish golden speckled wings with a fringe. For treatment see common clothes moth.

Warehouse moth: wide spread in Kenya. Indoors only, found in the warehouses, food factories and shops on a wide range of stored food. Female lays up to 200 eggs on larval food over a 2 week period. Larvae forms silk sheet on the surfaces of food. Developed 2-4 months in autumn larvae migrate upwards on structure of store. Most enter the diapauses (resting stage) over winter. A few pupae immediately. Significant stored food pest causing contamination by silk and frass (droppings) and some direct damage.


Beetles are from the largest insect border. The most environments have been colonized and many serious agricultural pest species exist. Some beetles also do considerable damage to stored foods, building structures, fabrics and fibers.

Large beetle: common in birds’ nests, found in poultry units, animal feed mills and domestic premises. Up to 200 eggs per female is laid singly on larval food over a 6 month period. Hatches in a week. Egg to adult takes 2-3 months or longer. A full grown larva bores in to a hard material (wood) to create pupation chamber. This causes serious structural damage to timber.